Thursday, October 21, 2010


We are now on iTunes! YAY!!! Go to the iTunes store and search Sarah Keimig and you will find me! The picture on my profile on iTunes is from my wedding at my church back home for those who were wondering.

Thank you all so much for checking out this blog so fast. I can't believe how many people have come, or how many even care what I have to say. It is so humbling and amazing to see God work through something that was supposed to be between me and God. Now the whole world can see it!

On a side note - people have been telling me they can't post comments. That should be fixed now, but if you still can't or have any questions or comments you'd like to send me feel free to email me at (Make sure you don't forget the b in the middle :) )

Please know also that this site is not limited to people who are Christians. I am an Evangelical Christian, and the answers I give or those that people smarter than me give will be Christians based, as that is the point of this site. However, that does not limit what you can ask. Also know that this is a safe place to ask or email questions. You will not be judged or condemned. Your name will not be shared unless you want it to be. This place is not meant to be a breeding ground for debate, argument, or attacks. It is to be a safe place where anyone can come and ask the questions that have been nagging at them for years - silly or serious - and hopefully get the answers they have been looking for.

God bless!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recognizing the Voice of God

Hi everyone! So for those of you who know me, you know I am terrible with blog and keeping them updated. Needless to say, this was not my idea. It was my wonderful husband's. You see, this is what happened:

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night unable to sleep. While trying to go back to sleep, I had this idea for a message or a sermon pop into my head for the future when I have to take Homolitics for my Masters of Divinity. In that class I will have to prepare and present three sermons. Anyway, I was trying to sleep and still couldn't so I decided to plot out this idea in my head. Soon, it was 6 am and my husband was getting up for work. I told him about this idea and he lovingly told me I should record it in some way. Knowing my love for radio and podcasting, he set up my Mac so that I could record my message that way if I so chose. I decided that would be faster than writing it out.

The message on Recognizing the Voice of God was recorded. I made a random comment about it on facebook, and suddenly people responded wanting to hear it. After work, my husband came home, listened to it, decided it should be uploaded and then went about creating me my own website for the future. This is our holding spot until that is finished. I have no idea how often I will be writing or uploading recordings, but at least this is here for when I do. My next post will contain the sermon/message/lesson God gave me in the middle of the night last night. Enjoy! Please post comments letting me know what you think! (Just be nice but honest cause this is incredibly nerve racking!). Be warned, it is unedited, and was done off the cuff. I wasn't expecting to have it uploaded when I recorded it. :) Here it is though, enjoy!

Recognizing the Voice of God ~ by Sarah Keimig

Love you all,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Aside from posting random ramblings of a sleep deprived Seminarian, I want this to be a place where I can finally put into practice the passions God has put on my heart. There are two. The first is radio. I LOVE radio - particularly radio drama (hence my podcast dedicated to Adventures in Odyssey). My other passion is harder to define.

I do my best to be real with people. I think that is one of the most important characteristics a person can have. If I can't be real with other people, how can I expect them to be real with me? If we can't be real with each other, how can we be expected to grow as people, as friends, or as spiritual beings with God? This isn't always easy, and it has caused me many problems over the years, but I think it is worth it. I have learned that when I am real and open about life, then others will be too, and we can get down to the growth that God has for us. It strengthens our relationship with each other and with Christ. Yet this is something that is lacking so severely in the church it is heartbreaking. It is so rare to be able to go to church and be your true self. (Note: this is not a diatribe on the church, but simply an introduction to what I am getting at)

This brings me to my second passion: being able to talk about the things in our lives that the church says is unacceptable. A lot of the time, this means questioning things in the Church - things about the Bible, about liturgy, order of worship, why we believe what we do, apologetics, how we differ from other religions or denominations, morality, why is this ok/not ok, how far is too far and WHY, where does politics fit in, or does it, questions about sex and sexuality especially in marriage and what Scripture says about it, what does the bible say about ____ etc? You name it. If it is a burning question you have had but have had no where to ask it, I want this to be the place. This is not a place to argue or condemn, but to find the truth in issues that for some reason the church has not wanted to discuss for a very long time. I know that I do not have all the answers, nor would I ever claim to. But I want to do my best as I have time to answer these types of questions. Maybe someday I'll have my own radio show dedicated to it, or write a book or something, but until now, it is just us here on this blog. I'll research questions, pray, read the Bible, and ask people much smarter than I am. Once I get my website established, I hope to have a place more organized for things like this. But for now this is what I have. So post here, or if you don't want it in public, send me an email at

God bless,
